Saturday, April 26, 2008

im excited...

after watching ATONEMENT with the directors commentary on, i got inspired by pattern on pattern early 1930's floral prints and found some really beautiful rose material to redo my bedroom....since summer is coming, i think some warm happy colors will help brighten my tomorrow for you. and also, i listed my little creature on

more info and pics next post

Thursday, April 24, 2008

lil' creatures....

These are an ongoing project I have been working on, inspired by I'm doing these all 'cat themed' for now as I'm fond of cats....I have several in progress and art involved as well. The first one is done, and I think I'll be selling him on when I have some time to figure out how to sell. The second one is in the works, done in cashmere wool. I think I may keep him for myself, but we'll see. He needs his face and some patchwork stripes I think....

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

a cable twist, or 2, or 8...

So I went to my local yarn shop the other week, much to the dismay of my poor BF who took a nap on the grass while I shopped. I had been trying to be good, stay away from the shop until I wittled down my stash a bit more, but it wasn't to be. I made it my treat for getting my taxes out of the way, and so I had a fun little shopping spree.

I picked up some Berroco 'Ultra Alpaca' yarn in a gorgeous heather-ed olive green with rust fibers as contrast. We carry the brand @ my work, but the manager only orders colors according to what appeals to her palette, it seems. We always joke because she's a red head and so we never have any blue fabric, and our yarns seem to have missing color-ways in the darker greens, blues and browns....colors brunettes like myself have a tendency to lean towards. So of course, to remedy the discontent, I frequent my local yarn shoppe 'Anacapa Fine Yarns' and am always happy because the manager there has EXCELLENT taste in colors (and happens to be a brunette too).

So I picked up 3 skeins of this green alpaca yarn to make this bag. I got the free pattern from Berroco Yarns newsletter.

They have really awesome patterns and I'd probably say is in my top 3 of yarn companies I'm fond of (Rowan yarns and Noro being the other two, in no particular order). I did the front last week and started the backflap today. I am about half way done with it right now and really am enjoying the pattern. I'd love to do this in a really bulky weight yarn, so you can see the half-cables a bit better, but right now, i think this will be a really cute lil' bag when it's done.

things I have on my list for future blogs:
*i'd like to do some organizing of projects I'm working on, hoping maybe this will be some push to get me finishing them
* organizing fabrics
* talk about my interests as far as fabrics, patterns, styles, etc go.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Welcome to O.C.D.

This is my way of positively dealing with my addiction to the fiber fancies: the yarns, the fabrics, the vintage trims that take up my bedroom space and infect my brain with all the possibilities of things i could make.

I should have started this long ago....I work partime at a fabric store and that tactile weekly encounter pared with my significant employee discount has become a recipe for obsessive disaster of only the best kind. I have stacks of fabrics, only naturals....linens, silks, woolens, cottons folded on every corner of my room. I have yarn stored in glass jars egging me on to knit them yet comfortably sitting in their dyed skein coils waiting to strike with their venom. I have bags and tin boxes filled with vintage laces, antique buttons, and trims to delight the senses like pearl strands on the hands of newly endowed royalty.

This collection, fueled by inspiration from fellow crafter's, knitter's and a lil' place called have inspired me to share my bounty with the world, and hopefully whittle a bit of it down so I can healthily deal with my crazy stash.

Wish me luck. I'm a dame with an addiction. I'm a floozy for fibers!